This is just my little space on the web to post my thoughts and comments. Sometimes stuff will be topical, sometimes I'll just throw in some old stuff I wrote. Sometimes it'll just be stream of consciousness and may not make much sense at all. Hey, it's mine and I can do what I want. Eventually there'll be some links to other blogs and maybe to some websites that I peruse for whatever reason.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
almost had a panic attack in the Party Store yesterday. I was shopping with Marcia and was totally stressed trying not to blurt out stuff about her upcoming surprise party. She knows there's a party but that's all she knows. We had to tell her because it's in MA and she wouldn't take kindly to being locked in the trunk for the fourteen hour drive. Plus we'd have to blindfold her to let her out every two hours to pee. She IS gonna be fifty, after all. Anyway, since she knows nothing about the party and I know, umm, more than nothing, it was really hard when she was talking about getting stuff for the reunion and I'd immediately think about the birthday party. Seriously, now I know what "biting your tongue" really means. And it freakin' HURTS!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
What's for lunch?
Man, I could go for a really good BLT today. Too bad the tomatoes are all still green. The lettuce is awesome, and I cooked some bacon the other day so I have cooked bacon in the freezer. Waitin' on the 'maters.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
My Garden
Hey, ya know those pictures of dirt I posted before? The ones I said were my garden? Well check it out NOW! Yeah, THAT's what I'm talkin' about!
Ivory Carpet Rose
corn in the back, peas on left, pumpkins on right with cukes and lettuce in between
Thursday, June 25, 2009
An Octopus's Garden
Okay, so I've got several varieties of tomatoes (who knew there could be so many? You say tomato, I say heirloom or hybrid?), a couple of varieties of corn, three kinds of peas (again, who knew?), lettuces, onions, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins (if the early leaves are any indication, Charlie Brown better get ready to bring it!), watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, and roses. Oh, flowers and plants galore! Red roses, pink roses, white roses and wildflowers and ornamental grasses, phlox, verbana, red flowers, blue flowers, pink flowers (florus pinkus?). A LOT of vegetation on my tiny plot of terra firma.
Here are pix of what the garden looked like a week after I got everything planted/transplanted. I started most of it from seeds, except the roses, phlox, and berry bushes. In a day or two I'll post pix of what it looks like now, three weeks later. If I can hack my way through it to get close enough for pix! Just kidding.
Anyway, enjoy. And if you need some salad fixin's....
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Cavs in Eastern Conference Finals
Back to Blogging. I don't know why I keep stopping but, it is what it is. I think that's one of my new favorite sayings. It's a little profound, a little zen, a little smart-assy.
Anyway, had a great day today. Took a couple of the neighbor kids down to FanFest down by the Q before the Cavs game. The Q being Quicken Loans Arena, the Cavs being the Cleveland Cavaliers. It was kind of disappointing. At one point I wondered if this was the same kind of FanFest they have at other teams' venues, or if it was lame because it was Cleveland. I know it was basketball related, but they could have had more fun things for the kids to do than just shooting hoops. Shooting hoops at different height baskets where even a six year old can dunk and get some rim time - pretty cool. Shooting out-of-round stuffed toy basketballs at a mini hoop attached to a spinning wheel - not so cool. Shooting an out-of-round stuffed basketball at lowered hoops with a slingshot - meh.
Plus, they advertised food and drink, but there was none. The events were held in a small raised park area between the Q (AKA Gund Arena) and Progressive Field (AKA The Jake). The grassy area was bordered by one of those fat cement walls that can also serve as seating. Unfortunately, there was no handicap access onto the grassy area. That kinda sucked. On the other hand, because the area around the grassy area was sloped, the cement wall was short enough at one end that it was not much higher than stair height. So I could get up there with the kids.
I was kinda hoping they might have tix available to the game, since they do release some game day tix. I waited in line for about a half hour while the kids were playing and sure enough! There were tix available. For a minimum price of $143 for the normally $25 seats. Yeah, thanks but no thanks. So we left early and stopped at Sam's club and bought some burgers and dogs and stuff and had our own "concession" while watching the game on the front lawn.
Man, these basketball and hockey playoffs have been great this year. Cavs had their first playoff loss of the year on Wednesday after a long layoff while the Celts played their hearts out and took the Magic to seven games. So the Magic were more in playoff mode for the first game at the Cavs. It was a close game but I think the Cavs were out of competition mode. Tonight (last night?) Cavs had a good lead, then the lead changed a few times but the Magic looked like they were going to take it after a pretty good comeback. They tied it up and then went ahead by two after the Cavs fouled them with one second left. Yes, one second. Play started with about 13 seconds left and for some reason the Cavs didn't foul the Magic til the clock ran down to 1 second. So the Magic guy shoots two free throws and they go up by 2. Cavs call time out, so they can inbound at their own end. 1 second left. ONE SECOND LEFT. The inbound pass goes to LeBron. Yeah. You better believe it. Runaroundalittlecatchtheballandshootthethree. Shoot the three. He shot the three. HE SHOT THE THREE!!!!AT THE BUZZER!!! Cavs win by one. Yeah, I think they're back. They don't call him the king for nuthin'.
BTW, the Celts were un....believable taking the Magic to seven games. I'd hoped they'd eke it out past the Bulls, but didn't think they'd get past five with the Bulls. Too bad for the late injuries or they could have repeated. But, GO CAVS!!!
Anyway, had a great day today. Took a couple of the neighbor kids down to FanFest down by the Q before the Cavs game. The Q being Quicken Loans Arena, the Cavs being the Cleveland Cavaliers. It was kind of disappointing. At one point I wondered if this was the same kind of FanFest they have at other teams' venues, or if it was lame because it was Cleveland. I know it was basketball related, but they could have had more fun things for the kids to do than just shooting hoops. Shooting hoops at different height baskets where even a six year old can dunk and get some rim time - pretty cool. Shooting out-of-round stuffed toy basketballs at a mini hoop attached to a spinning wheel - not so cool. Shooting an out-of-round stuffed basketball at lowered hoops with a slingshot - meh.
Plus, they advertised food and drink, but there was none. The events were held in a small raised park area between the Q (AKA Gund Arena) and Progressive Field (AKA The Jake). The grassy area was bordered by one of those fat cement walls that can also serve as seating. Unfortunately, there was no handicap access onto the grassy area. That kinda sucked. On the other hand, because the area around the grassy area was sloped, the cement wall was short enough at one end that it was not much higher than stair height. So I could get up there with the kids.
I was kinda hoping they might have tix available to the game, since they do release some game day tix. I waited in line for about a half hour while the kids were playing and sure enough! There were tix available. For a minimum price of $143 for the normally $25 seats. Yeah, thanks but no thanks. So we left early and stopped at Sam's club and bought some burgers and dogs and stuff and had our own "concession" while watching the game on the front lawn.
Man, these basketball and hockey playoffs have been great this year. Cavs had their first playoff loss of the year on Wednesday after a long layoff while the Celts played their hearts out and took the Magic to seven games. So the Magic were more in playoff mode for the first game at the Cavs. It was a close game but I think the Cavs were out of competition mode. Tonight (last night?) Cavs had a good lead, then the lead changed a few times but the Magic looked like they were going to take it after a pretty good comeback. They tied it up and then went ahead by two after the Cavs fouled them with one second left. Yes, one second. Play started with about 13 seconds left and for some reason the Cavs didn't foul the Magic til the clock ran down to 1 second. So the Magic guy shoots two free throws and they go up by 2. Cavs call time out, so they can inbound at their own end. 1 second left. ONE SECOND LEFT. The inbound pass goes to LeBron. Yeah. You better believe it. Runaroundalittlecatchtheballandshootthethree. Shoot the three. He shot the three. HE SHOT THE THREE!!!!AT THE BUZZER!!! Cavs win by one. Yeah, I think they're back. They don't call him the king for nuthin'.
BTW, the Celts were un....believable taking the Magic to seven games. I'd hoped they'd eke it out past the Bulls, but didn't think they'd get past five with the Bulls. Too bad for the late injuries or they could have repeated. But, GO CAVS!!!
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